B.A. Pass

Review :-

Unbutton, unbuckle and unstrap the senses. It’s going to be one erotic escapade – kinky, caustic, brutal and brave. With ample ‘O’s and ‘Ahhs!‘ Some painfully fake, others carnally climaxed. Adapted from Mohan Sikka’s short story, ‘Railway Aunty’, it’s about the doom and desperation of an impoverished life and the extremes one can go to redeem themselves of an ignominious existence.

The orphaned and penniless Mukesh (Shadab) moves to Delhi to live with his bua and complete his B.A degree. Deprived of love and respect, he befriends grave-digger Johnny (Dibyendu) who becomes his chess mate. Until one day he meets the fiercely flirtatious married auntyji, Sarika (Shilpa), who swiftly seduces and beds him. The one-day adultery turns into addiction, she plays sex-guru and he surrenders as sex-slave. The moods of passion and ‘positions’ change with shades of her lingerie and Mukesh sinks deeper into this promiscuous ‘sinfest’. The erotic ecstasy is dramatically disrupted when he’s betrayed by both fate and friendship.

Shilpa brazenly wears the sex-hungry look and performs steamy acts. From being hot in bed, to crassly cold out-of-bed – (Quote: “Sikhaya maine, mazey sab lenge”) – the ease with which she enacts her part is enthralling. Shadab reveals a range of emotions, and pulls off a complex role heightened by uninhibited sexual exploits.

Debutant Ajay Bahl’s film is dark and deeply disturbing. The subject boldly pulls off the cover on what happens behind closed (bedroom) doors of a society that thrives on pseudo morals and values. While the movie doesn’t exploit eroticism, a little subtlety would have as much ‘shock’ value. The sex-scenes are well-crafted, though he could have done with little more (fore)play of positions. ‘Woman on Top’ seems desirable, but variety (in shots and angle) would have left a stronger impact.

Story :-

A college boy struggles for survival. A married woman is high on erotica. Their illicit relationship ends in a spiral of sex, seduction and betrayal.

The Times of India

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