Boyss Toh Boyss Hain

Review :-
A young Sardar ( Anshuman Jha) falls in love with a fellow Sikh girl but there’s a catch, a skinny fellow ( Dhruv Ganesh) wants to hook up with hot girls but his protective sisters want him to see ‘geeky girls’ instead. A Bihari boy ( Aarya Kumar), the most decent of the lot, finds love but his father wants dowry, money-minded baniya (Raj Kumar Yadav) dumps his girlfriend as he only wants to date rich girls. Often misguided, the youngsters find themselves trapped in a legal hassle. Inspector-cum-agony-aunt ( Gulshan Grover) interrogates the boys and that’s how the story unravels…

Boyss Toh Boyss Hain intends to focus on the college-going generation’s false perception of love and its after-effects. What seems like a contemporary theme however gets marred by tacky scenes, cheesy dialogues, silly characters and unfunny jokes. Unnecessary incidents, which have no relevance to the story, further distract you. The message the filmmaker wishes to give gets hidden beneath all the junk that comprises the script.

Never do you really feel for the characters or their issues as they look forced and unnecessary. Why would an educated man, from a well-to-do family, take to being an escort to earn money! Cliches like a well-behaved girl has to undergo a makeover to attract boys, etc., are abundant. A sleazy item song, clearly added to entice front benchers, adds to the disappointment.

Raj Kumar Yadav surprisingly plays a money-minded baniya once again after Kai Po Che, though we believe this film must have been shot before it, as it looks a tad outdated. Interestingly, this too is about the ‘mistakes’ of his life. Immensely talented Divya Dutta is wasted. Everybody else is loud and annoyingly animated.

Lessons on ethics, morality, friendship, love unfortunately get sidelined in this wannabe comedy.

Story :-
Four friends seek love at all the wrong places with dubious intentions, which lands them in trouble. Can they mend their ways?
The Times of India

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