
Review :-

Is it really that difficult to set things right in an otherwise corrupt system? Moreover, is it really necessary to go in for an image makeover to get things moving your way? Well, if Chakradhaar is anything to go by, it is. No wonder the once politically correct Shravan ( Abhishek Anand) changes to the don’t-mess-with-me Pandit in a jiffy. And that’s when a movie with an issue so strong — that of corruption; that of a failing education system — passes before you in a jiffy… even before you realise.

Sadly, more than finding solutions to the varied education problems, the movie ends up as an action packed war between the bad guy (MLA Dharmraj Chaudhary) and our very own super hero. For the remaining part, it’s yet another lost-in-action romantic angle. And if that’s not all, try this — the punchline: ‘Pandit hain hum. Dakshina lena bhi jante hain aur shraap dena bhi’.

Story :-

The system is in a mess, and the onus of setting things right lies with Shravan. Indeed a tedious task….

Burning issue :-

Time for education to rise above all political influence. Powerful idea: Time to speak up for what you think is right. But completely lost in all that hit and run action and chaos… banarasi ishtyle.

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