Chal Bhaag

Review :-

Razor-wielding Munna Supari (Deepak Dobriyal) aspires to be a well-known henchman of a crime lord. Angry young man Daler Singh (Varun Mehra) is a no-nonsense guy, madly in love with Kajari (Keeya Khanna), pickpocket Bunty (Tarun Bajaj) is happy doing his thing. All hell breaks loose when the crooks are charged with the murder of an MLA – a crime they haven’t committed. Can they prove their innocence to the cops?

Chal Bhaag attempts to shed light on a serious issue like the police’s fake encounters. While the motive and twists in the story are interesting, the comic execution ruins it. You don’t see any humour in the situations or the characters. It’s tragic, in fact, and the film would have still worked had it been a black comedy.

The gravity of the situation comes across in a light-hearted manner initially but the randomness of it all, introduction of multiple characters, inconsequential dialogues, etc., convolutes the paper-thin plot. Item numbers further make the formulaic film forgettable. Drawbacks can be overlooked if the film manages to hold your attention. Here, it partially does but the forced humour doesn’t help.

Deepak Dobriyal is wasted and so is a good concept.

Story :-

Three small-time crooks are falsely framed for the murder of an MLA. Can truth prevail?

The Times of India

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