Chor Chor Super Chor

Review :-

Meanwhile, Satbir resists going back to Shuklaji (Avtar Sahani), his mentor, who heads a gang of petty thieves. He chooses to be dressed as a huge samosa instead, outside a food stall. The situation gets wacky as he is also lured by Amol (Jagat Rawat), another self-proclaimed crook. The latter is forever on a mission to poach Shuklaji’s loyal men to form his own gang, so that he can commit bigger crimes. Then there’s a cop, who considers robbery an art and thus thieves as artists! Can it get any crazier?

Chor Chor Super Chor is a light-hearted, delightful film with a unique storyline and a superb twist. Set in Delhi, it is not an out-an-out entertainer, but manages to keep you intrigued, thanks to its quirky, innovative concept. Since the film’s running time is under two hours, the length is just perfect and nowhere does it drag. The romance between Satbir and Neena is interesting. Their song seems a bit abrupt though.

However, what limits the film from being a hardcore comedy is its inability to deliver laugh-out-loud moments. You don’t see yourself laughing heartily throughout the movie, except for a scene where an overweight thug gasps for breath after having to climb a tall under-construction building, which happens to be his boss’ adda.

Deepak Dobriyal is impressive as usual. Priya Bhatija is pleasant. Even the supporting actors do a good job. We hate to give away the twist but let us tell you, Chor Chor Super Chor could also be titled Tu Sher Toh Main Sawa Sher as that’s what the film is all about. Don’t go expecting a solid comedy and you won’t be disappointed.

Story :-

Satbir (Deepak Dobriyal), a former pickpocket, intends to make a fresh start in life. He falls in love with Neena (Priya Bhatija) and plans to settle down, but a major twist awaits his tale.

The Times of India

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