Darr @ The Mall

Review :-

Pawan Kripalani, whose previous film ‘Ragini MMS’, scared the living daylights out of us, ‘Darr @ The Mall’ comes as a huge disappointment. While one doesn’t expect much of a novelty in terms of story when it comes to horror, cliched execution cannot be forgiven. For starters, the film offers standard scary occurrences like doors opening by themselves, drawers banging and children crying used as background score.

None of these ‘tried-and-tested’ methods manage to shock you, barring a chilling ice skating scene. Also, the plot is extremely predictable. Since you can tell how it’s going to end, the big suspense annoys more and thrills less. The languid pace doesn’t help either. Extensive use of found-footage style cinematography is not easy on the eyes.

Besides, a few deviations in the story are uncalled for. A side-track comprises of a bunch of bickering rich kids, out to party at the nightclub in the mall. Why would anyone party in that deserted mall in the first place? A guy making out with a firang item girl (who roughly resembles Yana Gupta) has been strictly added to titillate the frontbenchers.

Jimmy Sheirgill’s acting prowess is vastly underrated. In spite of being a good actor, he ends up playing second fiddle. The damsel in distress (Nushrat Bharucha) ends up getting more footage. Jimmy’s torch-wielding role doesn’t require him to do much except for using the flashlight to locate evil spirits. This hide-and-seek gets boring after a while as the buildup itself runs out of steam. Never mind the climax.

The film might work for those who get frightened easily. For fans of the genre, watch Ragini MMS instead, if you still haven’t.

Story :-

After nine unnatural deaths in a mall, Vishnu (Jimmy Sheirgill) is hired as the new security officer of the supposedly haunted place. Can he decode the mystery and put an end to it or will he be the next victim?

The Times of India

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