Deewana Main Deewana

Review :-

Govinda fans must rejoice, for the film which was stalled for almost a decade has finally seen the light of day. Unlike his usual screen persona, the super entertainer of Bollywood plays a character that has grey shades and he does it with conviction. It’s refreshing to see him do something different. As a bonus, you also get to see him dance and those moves are still unbeatable.

Priyanka Chopra apparently signed the film as a 20-year-old. Almost 10 years after the film was made, she still promoted it and that’s noteworthy, since her garish makeup and outfits of the 90’s make her look anything but glamourous! Few scenes have been re-shot recently to make the film look less outdated but it doesn’t help much considering the shuttling between her current and yesteryear look is pretty obvious.

As far as the story is concerned, the film is a Hindi remake of Tamil film Priyamudan. Boy falls in love with a girl. He’s willing to do anything for her. The obsession gets dangerous as the love story involves a murder.

Like films made in those times, Deewana Main Deewana is a package which has love, drama, thrill, dance, comedy and possibly everything that’s needed to keep you engaged in a Hindi film.

The major problem is however the film’s delay. Because of the decade-gap,you feel like you’re watching the film on a Hindi movie channel in your house! Lack of newness is a spoiler. You go to the theatre, preparing yourself to sit through an ‘old’ film and thus, in spite of it being decently entertaining, it fails to grip your attention.

Story :-

How far can you go for the person you love?

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