Janleva 555

Review :-

Describing Janleva 555 is a tough task. It starts off as a film intended to spread awareness about the hazards of snake bites. However, what follows is simply unnecessary, overdose of singing and dancing, dated reincarnation drama, cheesy romance and over-the-top performances from the lead cast.

Neelam (Kalpana Pandit) and her gang of aspiring filmmakers are deeply concerned about the number of people in India who die due to snake bites. To do something about it, she, along with her boyfriend ( Abrar Zahoor) and friends decide to shoot a film on the issue, in a village, known for its snake population. The moment the gang lands in the isolated village, Neelam realises, 555 years ago, in one of her previous births, she was a snake named Rajini. She dies after being separated from her snake lover, which is why she is reborn as Neelam to seek revenge from the snake charmer who wants Naag Mani (snake pearl).

The film drags, story refuses to proceed. It’s not just the reincarnation drama that seems out of place, everything about the film looks dated and unnecessary. You have meaningless songs popping up after every 2 minutes which have nothing to do with the story. The story itself goes haywire. Kalpana Pandit can be seen in almost every scene of the film! The entire film seems like a photo-shoot made to showcase her looks!

The film is full of cliches. You have an old man called ‘babaji’ instead of ‘ramu kaka’, you see the actress doing a snake dance at the drop of a hat…list is endless.

Few scenes are dedicated to ‘Sridevi’, but the film is an ode to Mallika Sherawat’s Hisss instead! It’s worse in terms of production value.

Janleva 555 is indeed Janleva… it does bore you to death.

Story :-

A bunch of friends plan to make a film on the hazards of snake bites to spread awareness. While shooting their documentary, one of the girls realises, she was a snake herself in one of her previous births.

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