Jumbo 2 : The Return Of The Big Elephant

Review :-

Jumbo is back. Unfortunately not with a bang. After having lost his father…and his mother…after waging an epic war against his arch enemy Bhaktavar (Remember the prequel?), this warrior elephant is all out to enjoy the little pleasures of life. Tweens, watch him with his little antics. But then life in the jungle (and destiny) has something else in store for him. Sometimes it’s fighting little battles – there are some action scenes and dhamaka here too – and sometimes it’s about taking bigger risks. What’s that? A life-changing decision that could mean do or die for the elephant family. What does Jumbo choose?

Before you guess that you wonder why the animation in this sequel is not an inch smarter. As for the voice over of Jumbo ( Akshay Kumar) and his mommy ( Dimple Kapadia) something seems to be amiss.

Story :-

Jumbo, the king’s warrior elephant, wants to take it easy after the recently won war. But little does he know it’s only the battle that’s won…not the war.

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