
Review :-

Florist Tarun ( Sumeet Nijhawan), his wife Srishti ( Mona Wasu) and their little daughter live happily in the beautiful hills of Mussoorie. While Tarun is calm as a cucumber, Srishti is vivacious and dominating. Their idyllic life however gets a sudden jolt when Tarun ends up confronting two criminals who misbehave in his shop. The repercussions of that event put his and his family’s life in jeopardy, also bringing to the forefront some startling revelations and brutal confessions.

It’s commendable that debutant director Jaideep Chopra delivers a spine-chilling thriller that has an international sensibility and feel to it. The film starts brilliantly. Major credit goes to actor Pankaj Tripathi for creating that psychological tension, an underlying air of somberness, through his eerie prologue.

The film then shifts gear. The tension mellows. A happy ‘family track’ grabs our attention before we are transported back to the unveiling of a mystery. The ‘whodunnit’ thriller keeps you engaged throughout.

Performances and cinematography are impressive and so is the story-telling. Nowhere does the film slow down or lose momentum. What we didn’t like were a few irrelevant sub-plots and characters. The item song could have been easily avoided too. The bloodshed and violence start getting predictable and formulaic after a while. The portrayal of the media in the film is silly. The film also seems to be partially inspired by Hollywood film Taken.

Overall, Maazii is a dark, haunting and unconventional tale of crime and redemption. In spite of no big names associated with it, it manages to hold your attention till the end.

Story :-

You can always make a fresh start in life but can you ever escape your past?

The Times of India

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