Revolver Rani

Review :-

At the end of ‘Revolver Rani’ you come out shot by two bullets – one in the gut, the other in the heart. Such is the firepower of one crackerjack of a woman who preens like a desi diva (in metallic conical bras), cusses like a true-bred Chambal-ki-Rani, and fires more barood in the bistar than her toy-boy can handle.

Surely, no daaku clan can boast of such a fierce phashionista (dons designer wear from ‘Benice’), quite unattractive and scarred, yet,deliciously deadly. Alka Singh aka Revolver Rani (Kangna) is a dacoit-turned-politician who’s lost her seat to the opposition in Gwalior, resulting in bloody bullet baths. Her toy-boy Rohan (Vir), a struggling Bollywood actor, becomes her full-time obsession. He wants to use her as a step to stardom; instead, he becomes her sex-machine. Hereon, the story tragically turns into an ironic mix of politics, comedy and a love story with bleeding wounds.

Sai Kabir’s skill lies in his satirical story-telling and style, not so much the plot. The crux is simple – power, politics and revenge. It’s a combo of cool and crass – the kind of stuff pulp fiction is made of. Often textured in Quentin Tarantino style, he sets the mood with a notorious mix of quirkiness, violence and an eclectic background score. The second half is stretched, the songs interrupting the pace. Some dark, humorous moments (even the background score) are quite inspired by ‘Kill Bill’.

Kangna is pure dynamite, firing on all barrels. With a tanned tone, kohl eyes and mercurial moods – she uses every weapon to fire a mind-blowing performance. Vir strikes at times but his character is not as fleshed out; Piyush (as Alka’s *mama*) is superb and Zakir adds power to the plot.

‘Revolver Rani’ is loaded with a lot more than just gunpower. You’ll enjoy biting this bullet.

Story :-

In a quirky twist of fate, Chambal’s outlandish outlaw falls in love with a wannabe actor. Will she surrender her sensational sins for love?

The Times of India

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