
Review :-

Bollywood rarely enters the ‘science-fiction’ territory and when it does,the results have been mostly disastrous. Rajesh Bachchani takes the road less travelled and makes a film which pleasantly surprises you.

Shreedhar Upadhyay (Hussain Kuwajerwala) is an ordinary accountant who is unhappy with his lower middle class status. He dreams of a better lifestyle for himself and his girlfriend Sonu (Anjali Patil). As luck would have it,his boss ( Rio Kapadia) offers him the life he aspires to lead, provided Shree gives 12 hours of his time to him for a scientific experiment. 20 Lakhs for 12 hours tempts Shree to accept the offer. Little does he know what’s coming.

Thereafter, you see Shree getting tangled in a series of mishaps. He struggles to comprehend what’s happening around him. For a major part of the film you are as puzzled as the protagonist. As the mystery unravels, you may not feel totally convinced by the motives of the characters but that doesn’t affect the strong buildup. The suspense keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Well-known face on TV, Hussain Kuwajerwala delivers an effortless, unpretentious performance. He singlehandedly carries the film on his shoulders and does it well. His casting is perfect. However, Anjali Patil goes over-the-top with her Maharashtrian girl act. She is uninhibited as an actor but way too loud for your liking. The supporting cast acts well too.

Songs take the film forward instead of simply adding to its length. Overall, Shree is a well-scripted thriller. Go for it.

Story :-

What happens when a common man finds himself in the middle of a mysterious scientific experiment that changes his life forever!

The Times of India

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