Will You Marry Me?

Review :-

Little girls dream of marriage from the time they get their first doll sets. For little boys, those very dreams are nightmares. Generalization? Not really. But a hardwired trait that’s genetically built into us. And since boys never really grow up, especially the leading men of Will You Marry Me? – the stereotypes are played out perfectly. So much so that they invest crores of rupees in a joint-venture, betting that the ‘last bachelor standing’ (sic) will win this jackpot. It’s a different thing that during the course of the movie, this ‘partnership’ is forgotten and all the big boys do, is get flirty with bikini-clad babes on beaches and bet on everything from love, stocks to cricket.

Rajveer (Rajeev), Aarav (Shreyas) and Nikhil (Muzamil) are childhood friends who hopelessly try and showcase a Jai-Veeru kind of bro-mance. Nikhil is on the verge of losing his bachelorhood to his sweetheart Anjali (Tripti Parashar), and the rest of the film is all about the series of happenstances in the run-up to the wedding. Ho Hum!

Fifteen minutes into the movie, we’re hoping that things will take a turn for the better; but the marriage ‘arousal’ only goes downwards. Sex sells, alright. But an overdose of crudely used double-meaning phrases, () sexual innuendo; and in-bad-taste, out-of-turn slapstick may not necessarily titillate audiences. Even, using the ‘F’ word in apparent ‘fashionable-cool’; or Rajveer calling out ‘Hi Sex!’ each time he meets his buddies – comes across as immature and corny.

Surprisingly, the normally dependable Rajeev Khandelwal is the one who disappoints the most. Mainly because one expects more from an actor of his calibre. If he’s desperately trying for an image makeover then this film was the wrong start. His fans won’t be mighty impressed with Rajeev’s ‘casual romeo’ avatar. Will the deep, intense Rajeev stand up and be counted please. Muzamil is strictly the much needed male eye-candy in this misadventure. Shreyas Talpade is the only one who comfortably displays something more than mere machismo here – performance. His comic timing is good. In the bathroom scene, you see a glimpse of the real Talpade. Pun unintended.

The female eye-candy, Mugdha Godse (the bride’s best gal-pal) looks good but has forgotten that this is not Fashion but another movie she’s simply ramp-walking on. She looks good but seems lost in this testosterone enterprise.

With a weak script to begin with, a story that loses the plot from the word ‘Go’ and an unmoving narrative, director Aditya V Datt seems to have failed in his ‘marriage proposal’ to the audience.
The attempts to elicit a few laughs by stereo-typifying the gay community is not in good taste. After a while, we begin to gag on the gags.

Accept this proposal at your own risk. This is one marriage that’s a bad idea.

Story :-

Marriages aren’t rocket science, really. Save for the writer’s attempts to make it look like a complex, twisted tale of love. But cutting to the chase, this is a story of three boys, two girls, a few songs and one never-ending film.

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