
Review :-

If you liked ‘women-oriented’ films made in the 90’s, where the fairer sex was primarily portrayed as the sacrificing-virtuous lot and when women were expected to be nothing but docile, you may be able to tolerate this one. If not, you will wonder why anyone would bring such an outdated concept to celluloid in this day and age! Forget the gender; anyone who fails to stand for themselves is least appealing, especially if they happen to be the protagonists.

Playing the victim is the film’s lead character Anuradha (Disha Choudhary), who is the ideal daughter, wife and sister. Of course, there is no place for good people in society, which is why Anuradha will have to suffer. Her righteousness and compassion worsen her struggle.

She gets bullied by a typical conniving mother-in-law, who demands dowry and tortures Anuradha physically and psychologically if her demands are not met. Anuradha’s sister-in-law (Hrishita Bhatt) is a woman of loose morals and another reason for her suffering.

You don’t identify or sympathise with the lead character or her dilemmas and there lies the film’s failure. In spite of watching her weep throughout, you don’t feel for her. The situations look forced and uncalled for. The film may have worked had it been a soap opera but otherwise, it’s painful to sit through this archaic tale of endless misery.

Story :-

Anuradha is the story of every woman who faces social inequality and oppression, owing to the norms of our patriarchal society.

The Times of India


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