Mhow squadron emerges top medal winner

The R&V Squadron NCC of Mhow notched the top slot and led the Remount and Veterinary Squadrons of the country with five gold and five silver medals, at the Republic Day Celebrations Equestrian Events 2012 held at New Delhi.

Continuing with its track record in riding sports, the riding unit of Mhow won a total of 15 trophies including three best-rider trophies, five gold, five silver, one bronze and two highly commended medals in various equestrian competitions.

A contingent of one officer, one JCO, two instructors, three boys (senior division), two girls (senior wing) cadets and five horses of this unit participated in these events, who were trained at newly constructed training grounds for over two months, under the guidance of Risaldar S S Singh, Dafedar Omveer Singh and former cadet Yashowardhan Dwivedi. These riders and cadets were trained in dressage, jumping and tent pegging disciplines of equestrian.

This is for the first time in the history of RDC equestrian events that the dressage discipline was introduced. Mhow cadets snatched two gold medals in its four categories.

NCC Squadrons of Hissar (Haryana) and Mathura (UP) were adjudged second and third in these events.

Senior under officer Sunali Raina of this unit was adjudged Best Rider (Girls), Where as Md Shah Rukh was honoured with the Best Rider (Boys) trophy.

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