Krishi Vikas

Exhibitions Name Krishi Vikas – Indore 2012

Date 16 Feb 2012 to 18 Feb 2012

Venue College Of Agriculture, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Overview : Krishi Vikas is one of the largest and much awaited symposiums which will certainly bring sea changes in the sphere of agriculture in India. This is a specially crafted symposium mainly for the farmers to understand the latest and innovative techniques which will certainly increase the rate of production in the agricultural field.
Krishi Vikas will be the one stop solution for all the farmers and peoples related to agricultural industry to gain the latest knowledge related to farming technology. Information related to Farming equipments like tractors, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides can be found in this expo, which will be very much beneficial for the farmers who are willing to increase the production rate in their fields.

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