Indore Garba Maharas 2011 for Limca Book of Records

Navratri is a festival of adoration, dance and music celebrated ver a period of nine nights and devotees offer prayers through Garba with full of energy & enthusiasm. But this year this festive spirit will continue after Navratras in Indore with Garba Maharas 2011′, for attempting to enter in Limca Book of records. Times Event Management and Production House Pvt. Ltd. take this initiative to make record of 24 Hours Non Stop Garba Maharas first time in India to represent not only Indore but also Madhya Pradesh at National Level. This 24 Hours Non Stop Garba Maharas will start on 8th Oct from 8 P.M. & continue till 8 P.M. on 9th Oct.,2011. A panel of Limca Book Records will judge the whole event. On this occasion, Singer, Choreographers and Orchestra from Mumbai will be there to add colors to the event, Singer Aditi Paul and Jayesh Gandhi will compel to audience for shaking their legs on the beats of Garba’s songs.

Date & Time : 8th Oct. 8 P.M. to 9th Oct. 8 P.M.
Venue : Abhay Prashal
Race Course Road, Indore 452001

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