Ankur Arora Murder Case

Review :-

Suhail Tatari’s Ankur Arora Murder Case is a medical drama which should be given its due because it is in the real space as compared to the usual fluff that Bollywood churns out week on week. The film revolves around Dr Asthana ( Kay Kay Menon) a surgeon put on a pedestal because of the number of high-profile lives he has saved. Cocky Asthana rules Shekawat General Hospital with an iron hand. Things are going real smooth for the star surgeon till little Ankur Arora (Vishesh Tiwari) is wheeled into his operation theatre for an appendictis surgery. A medical procedure that should be a child’s play for Asthana then becomes a nightmare because of his own negligence. Ankur’s death is hushed up. And life continues like normal. Till one young conscientious intern Dr Romesh ( Arjun Mathur) stumbles upon some clues. The cause of Ankur’s death is then played out and Romesh makes it his business to expose the senior doctor who he had idolised but who actually turned out to be a surgeon with hands of clay.

Tatari is a winner in his choice of a subject. The story that has been researched from a true life incident does provide meaningful insights about the medical fraternity and facilities. However while the film is an eye-opener on medical skullduggery, it fails to become cutting edge cinema because the screenplay offers few surprises. And, a title that is a dead give away. Also for a dramatic film of this nature, the performances are so placid, they leave you cold. The drama that unfolds between the hospital and the court room should have definitely had more spunk and twists.

Story :-

A surgeon slips up in an operation theatre. The truth is squashed. Will the victim’s family get justice? Or will the doctor get away with murder?

Note :-

You may not like this film if medical negligence is not a subject you wish to bog yourself down with in a movie hall.

The Times of India


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