Chaar Din Ki Chandni

Review :-

Relax – there’s no dark night here. Instead, Samir Karnik’s Chaar Din Ki Chandni (CDKC) sparkles with humour – and some dirty fun. It opens with Anupam Kher as a royalty-obsessed Rajput arranging his daughter’s marriage. Blessed with a still-hot wife – Eighties-star Anita Raj – and a battalion of dysfunctional sons – alcoholic Chandrachur Singh, pervy Mukul Dev, violence-obsessed Sushant Singh and oddly-silent South star, Harish (Karisma’s co- actor in Prem Qaidi before she trimmed those eyebrows and turned into a diva), Kher’s most normal son, Veer (Kapoor) arrives from London for the wedding – with his Punjabi girlfriend, Chandni.

Cute-as-a-button Chandni (Randhawa, sassy but not boringly sexy) wins everyone’s hearts – but Rajasthan Royal Kher’s adamant on a Rajput bride for Veer. Thus, this love story lingers under a razai, Chandni pretending to be a journalist covering the wedding, Veer seeking a way out, his brothers falling over the cognac-eyed heroine. When her parents – Om Puri in a scintillating performance, Farida Jalal in standard shalwars – show up, they mesh with the madness. Puri pretends to be Punjab’s best wedding decorator (he’s done the finest shaadis – ‘Zail Singh to Manmohan Singh’s’) while Kher suddenly decrees dear Chandni should marry a good Punjabi boy. Enter ‘Pappi Sardar’ – Kapoor proving his flair for comedy that’s alternately quiet, then blaringly loud.

Like a shaadi ka band, CDKC’s tone is mostly raucous – and good fun. Its script crosses swords with British writer P G Wodehouse’s zany plots (castle full of imposters, suspicious uncles, a mosquito-bitten Johnny Lever) while paying hurried homage to masala-mixed Bollywood, leaving little time to worry about subtlety or depth. CDKC is a movie made by Bollywood-lovers for those who like their cinema pretention-free. With tongue-in-cheek Deewar-to-Dabangg references, sometimes its humour (gay jokes, visually-challenged Sardars) can be way overcooked. But mostly, with its feisty heroine (who does a mean kick in a lehenga), its hilarious hero, some sweet chemistry, jokes involving the colour ‘rad’ and agreeable actors sprinkled around, CDKC is a breezy watch – with no dark night.

Story :-

Everyone loves Punjabi babe Chandni – but boyfriend Veer’s dad will only accept a Rajput daughter-in-law. Will this romance have an andheri raat?

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