Meinu Ek Ladki Chaahiye

Review :-

The opening scene gives an impression that this film could be a crime drama. A rape accused is shown facing public outrage for his heinous act. He doesn’t defend himself, nor does he admit to having committed the crime. Is he guilty or falsely implicated? While no one’s willing to do it, lawyer Govind (Raghubir Yadav) finds the case intriguing and accepts the challenge of solving the mystery. Helping him is his younger sidekick (Puru Chibber). Together, can they connect the dots between the crime and the culprit?Govind (Raghubir Yadav) finds the case intriguing and accepts the challenge of solving the mystery. Helping him is his younger sidekick (Puru Chibber). Together, can they connect the dots between the crime and the culprit?

A comic courtroom drama or a dramatic crime thriller…you keep wondering throughout, what is it that the filmmaker intended to make. Whatever the case, it fails to keep you awake, forget engaged. Reason being, the entire first half is flooded with useless songs, absurd love tracks, random characters and pointless scenes. It tests your patience as none of the happenings are even remotely connected to the rape case. The dialogue-baazi annoys you further as it’s equally irrelevant.dialogue-baazi annoys you further as it’s equally irrelevant.

At one point, a rival lawyer takes potshots at Govind by commenting, “Yeh lawyer hai ke sex analyst’? Lines like these, we assume, have been written to evoke laughter but the effect is otherwise. In a desperate attempt to make you smile, the very outdated, ‘pre-recorded fake laughs’ are used every now and then. This confirms the sheer immaturity with which the film has been executed.Govind by commenting, “Yeh lawyer hai ke sex analyst’? Lines like these, we assume, have been written to evoke laughter but the effect is otherwise. In a desperate attempt to make you smile, the very outdated, ‘pre-recorded fake laughs’ are used every now and then. This confirms the sheer immaturity with which the film has been executed.Govind by commenting, “Yeh lawyer hai ke sex analyst’? Lines like these, we assume, have been written to evoke laughter but the effect is otherwise. In a desperate attempt to make you smile, the very outdated, ‘pre-recorded fake laughs’ are used every now and then. This confirms the sheer immaturity with which the film has been executed.”Yeh lawyer hai ke sex analyst’? Lines like these, we assume, have been written to evoke laughter but the effect is otherwise. In a desperate attempt to make you smile, the very outdated, ‘pre-recorded fake laughs’ are used every now and then. This confirms the sheer immaturity with which the film has been executed.

Boys, avoid taking your ladki along or anyone alive for that matter, to this inconsequential, yawn-inducing whodunit tale.ladki along or anyone alive for that matter, to this inconsequential, yawn-inducing whodunit tale.

Story :-

A lawyer and his sidekick take it upon themselves to defend a rape accused, whom they think has been falsely implicated.

The Times of India

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