Qasam Se Qasam Se

Review :-

Priorities for Qasam Se Qasam Se are clearly defined:  More than focusing on the nitty gritties of film making, the movie is a launch pad for Azim, son of daddy-with-the-dough, producer Nazim Rizvi. Now, Azim does deliver… for starters. But does that mean it’s okay to make a film full of humourless one liners, a never ending emotional drama and a will-the-love-birds-won’t-the-love-birds ever be together suspense? With so much on the platter, the movie seems to be lost in transition: Who is it catering to!

Is it the youngsters? There is a student movement fighting for justice that barely seems to go beyond a few shots. Is it about reiterating the fact that love fears no one? The lovey dovey pair is out against one and all… even death. Or is it AIDS?

Surprisingly, the movie begins with Professor Dilnaaz Doodhwala quizzing students on what the acronym stands for. The answers are bound to shock you. And so is the teacher (and her moves in class) — Rakhi Sawant.

So while the love birds are at it making merry, walking out of their respective homes, getting bashed up by the influential daddy and his hit men… you are actually left wondering where all this is leading to. Do you want to know? No, not after twelve odd songs scattered between College Day, Rose Day, Chocolate Day, Farewell Day… and god knows what day.

Too long. Too tiring… kasam se!

Story :-

Love, for Azim and Faith, means breaking all barriers, literally… as long as they are together.

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