Review :-
The movie opens with our male and female protagonists – Titoo and Gulshan (Dahiya and Jaiswal) – who are each sitting with their lawyer and discussing what we will find out, are their marital woes. Their respective stories are played out in a series of lengthy flashbacks. Titoo’s mom urges him to get a career and get married while his dad is supportive of whatever he does, as long as it is honest. So Titoo opens a liquor store, but the women of the mohalla complain about that. Next, he tries working in a lingerie store, but is slapped and sacked when he accidentally tries to cop a feel with one of the ladies while measuring her bra size. Similarly, other jobs come and go. Meanwhile, our heroine Gulshan is a hockey-loving tomboy who would rather display her skills with a hockey stick on the field rather than with a belan, rolling out warm rotis in a kitchen. But this tomboy is eventually tamed when she meets Titoo, whom she completely falls for.
But hang on, the MBA in the movie stands for ‘Married But Available’ ratherthan the degree and unbeknownst to her, Titoo makes his moolah privately,’entertaining’ lonely ladies at night. She hits the roof (and him as well) when she finds out about this. Does Titoo ultimately manage to mend his marriage?
What really keeps this movie trundling along are the surprisingly refreshing performances from the lead pair. Jaiswal in particular has screen presence and her act is promising at best. The earthy Punjabi humour also works (incidentally, just about every Punjabi cliche is flogged here, from suffixing almost everything with ‘ji’ to multiple mentions of aloo parathas), but the sexual innuendoes do not. And apart from that, there’s not really much else going for this one.
Story :-
A small town stud dreams of hitting the big time and making some big money. He tries out various schemes until he hits the jackpot as a gigolo, living a sort of double life that he keeps hidden from his wife.
The Times of India